Ontario will extends its emergency orders until July 10, 2020. The decision comes as the majority of the province enters stage two of reopening its economy.
“These emergency orders will allow us to take action, if necessary, to ensure our continued success as we reopen our province and get more people back to work,” Premier Doug Ford said. All emergency orders made under Section 7.0.2 (4) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act will remain in place. These include restrictions that apply to staffing at long-term care homes, as well as limits on gatherings.
The province has announced the removal of stage 2 restrictions on some indoor sports and recreational fitness activities facilities. This will allow athletes to be able to train, and run certain non-contact amateur or professional athletic competitions.
The Declaration of the state of emergency will remain in place until July 15. Ontario has reported another 160 new cases of COVID-19 today, while another 178 cases have been resolved. Tests continue to increase to a record 33,492.
The Region of Halton has recorded an additional five cases of COVID-19 bringing the total of 741, with another 78 being described as “Probable”. Milton lists another 198 confirmed, and 18 probable cases for a total of 216. Only 18 are listed as currently active.