By: Laura Steiner
The Town of Milton has received a $25,000 grant from the Province of Ontario’s Digital Main St. program. The money will be used to continue the Digital Service Squad (DSS) which provides digital specialists to small businesses in order to help them adapt online technologies.
“Milton’s Digital Service Squad ensures business owners continue to have access to free resources and the technical support they need to not only recover through this pandemic, but to continue modernizing for years to come,” Mayor Gord Krantz said. The initiative is part of renewed funding from government agencies including Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT) and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev).
The program is administered by the Ontario BIA Association (OBIAA), in partnership with the Toronto Association of BIA (Business Improvement Areas). “We are thrilled to support the Town of Milton DSS and help them provide assistance to more small businesses than ever,” Executive Director of OBIAA Kay Matthews said.
The DSS initiative is made up of squads of trained digital specialists who meet with business owners at no cost to help them build their digital knowledge and skills. This includes updating Google Business Profiles, taking photos, and providing information on the ShopHere program. “This additional support will give these businesses the digital boost they need to raise their profile and rebuild better than ever,” Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction Nina Tangri said. The experts are able to help businesses develop their digital transformation plan, as well as apply for a one-time $2,500 grant to implement it. For more information visit the Town of Milton’s website