Milton Council has voted to move ahead with virtual statutory Public meetings. The decision was made at the June 22, 2020 meeting. These are meetings deemed mandatory under the Planning Act as part of the local planning processes.
“Milton Council is committed to ensuring statutory public meetings and the development application engagement process are fully transparent and accessible to the public, while ensuring the health and safety of all participants,” Mayor Gord Krantz said. The meetings are required before Council decides on land-use applications.
Online meetings will allow Town Staff to continue processing planning applications while Town Hall is closed to the public, and provincial restrictions on large gatherings remain in place. “We are pleased to begin a new, innovative process to engage with the public on development applications. The new process gives delegates the opportunity to safely participate in statutory public meetings using live video or audio, as well as continuing to submit written comments,” Development Services Commissioner Barb Koopmans said. Visit the Town’s website for more information on how to participate. The meetings will be streamed live on the Town of Milton’s YouTube page.