Seven more Ontario Regions will move onto Phase two of reopening their economy. Halton will be reopening on Friday June 19 at 12:01 am.
The announcement was made by Ontario Premier Doug Ford in his daily news conference. “Thanks to the collective efforts of our frontline health care workers, and the people in these regions to stop the spread of COVID-19, more businesses are able to open their doors, and thousands of people will be able to go back to work and put food on the table,” Premier Doug Ford said. Halton has 708 confirmed cases, with 187 of these in Milton. An increase of 3 over yesterday.
Joining Halton on the opening list for Friday are the following six regions:
- Durham Region Health Department;
- Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit;
- Hamilton Public Health Services;
- Lambton Health Unit;
- Niagara Region Public Health Department; and
- York Region Public Health Services.
“As many more Ontarians begin to work, shop and interact with others, it’s never been more important that we continue to follow public health advice, especially physical distancing with anyone outside of our social circle, so we can soon successfully and safely move into stage three,” Health Minister Christine Elliott said. The province has loosened restrictions on wedding, and funeral ceremonies limiting the guests to no more than 30% of the venue’s capacity. The policy on social circles was announced on Friday. The provincial Chief Medical officer of Health will continue advising on when restrictions could be loosened, or if they need to be tightened.
Milton Council To Discuss Restaurant Patios
Milton Council is holding an Emergency Meeting Wednesday to discuss whether to authorize the establishment or expansion of outdoor patios. One of the provincial restrictions is that no restaurant can open its indoor spaces.
The report which, can be read here in full will look at how to reduce obstacles to opening or expanding an outdoor patio. The meeting will be streamed live on the Town of Milton’s YouTube channel beginning at 2 p.m.