Tilbury Times Reporter
The Lambton Kent District School Board is excited to offer free online summer reading tutoring for LKDSB students in Kindergarten to Gr. 4 to support students and families in July and August.
Students work one-on-one with a teacher for daily 20-minute blocks held weekdays throughout the three-week sessions in July or August options.
The tutoring aims to help students improve their reading confidence, skill levels and provides supports individualized to their learning needs.
Reading is recognized as a basic and essential human right in Canada and as educators, LKDSB understands its fundamental role in supporting literacy and early interventions, as well as supporting strategies to ensure students are able to meet their reading and learning goals.
There is limited space available and timeslots will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Register by completing the sign-up form by Friday, June 24.
Research has demonstrated that the ability to read is integral to successful student outcomes and academic achievement. Learning to read and becoming literate has a significant impact on an individual’s education and access to social, economic, health, housing and essential needs.
The summer tutoring sessions are a continuation of the ongoing work and supports the LKDSB offers students to help build reading and literacy skills and planning is underway to further these strategies in the 2022-2023 school year. Families are a key partner in helping students develop their reading skill levels and the online tutoring sessions allow parents/guardians to participate and better understand strategies to support their learner.
“We are please to offer personalized, one-on-one tutoring throughout July and August free of charge to LKDSB students,” said Director John Howitt. “We have seen the success of these tutoring sessions held during the school year and we look forward to providing further benefits to our early readers and their families. Literacy is important for student success and well-being and through a continual focus on strengthening reading comprehension and skill levels, we are setting students up for success throughout their education.”
For additional information, read the May 10 LKDSB Board Meeting Report on “Spring and Summer 2022 Learning Recovery Plan.”