Farmland for Sale
By Tender
The undersigned offer for sale by sealed bid the following farm land in the Municipality of Lakeshore.
Parcel #1 Part Lot 19, concession 8, Tilbury North Township, vacant land, approximately 47 .76 acres.
Prospective Purchasers may obtain an information package from the undersigned solicitor and submit a confidential, sealed tender in the form provided, unconditional except for title issues, together with a deposit of $10,000.00 (uncertified cheque is acceptable), payable to COUREY LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IN TRUST by 5:00 p.m. on April 15, 2024.
The successful Tenderer will be required to enter into a standard OREA Agreement of Purchase and Sale, and ancillary agreements as specified in the information package, by April 17,2024, with a completion date of May 3,2024.
Access to the property for spring field work and seeding prior to completion date can be arranged.
Tenders will be confidential and not used to solicit a higher offer from others. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Clarence Duquette, by his Estate Trustees
c/o Courey Law Professional Corporation –
Attn: Paul Courey
18 Queen Street South, PO Box 178
Tilbury, ON NOP 2L0
Tel: 519-682-1644
Revised Jan-22-L9
Revised Jan-22-L9